29 April 2017

*squeals* Outlander season 3 teaser trailer has been dropped


I know I'm incredibly late to this party, but last week, Starz dropped the teaser trailer for the third season of Outlander. And I cannot express enough how freaking excited I am for this series! It is a bummer that we have to wait until September to go back to 18th century Scotland as opposed to a spring release (which would have been now :o). But I'm sure it'll be worth the wait ^^

15 April 2017

Nobody feels like an adult. That's the world dirty secret - Prof. Peter Hoberg, Liberal Arts


Another movie quote post ^^  Some of them are just funny, others heartwarming and others really make you think twice. Or are super relatable :D

Here are a few more of my favourites ^^ Hope it may inspire you to watch some of these films ^^

Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry. But why would that mean that it is not real? - Dumbledore, Deathly Hallows.


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